Jams and preserves are always good to try if you have time and have seasonal fruits ready at hand. Buying fruits for high price and preparing jams may not be cost effective at all when compared to store brought jams. The store brought jams have less fiber, less fruit in them and its more of artificial flavors and loads of sugar. However, jam making in large batches at home puts your biceps at work. I generally make smaller batches and try out all seasonal fruits when they are low priced or are easily available at home.
It may be well known to many of my readers of my strong liking towards home made preserves may that be pickles or jams or squashes. Store brought jams is not a frequent item bought at my home because I try to reduce the amount of processed sugars in diet as much as possible. But at times when you don't have a stock of homemade ones or you want to try some unique jam flavors then we definitely do. However, homemade jams is served most of the time. Do give this a try if you love putting an extra effort to make this jam. Enjoy !!

Preparation time ~ 20 mins
Cooking time ~ 30 mins
Serves ~ a small bottle
Author ~ Julie
pineapple 2 medium sized or 5 cups diced
sugar 5- 6 tbsp
lemon juice 1 tbsp or citric acid 1/2 tsp
* I usually store my homemade preserves in refrigerator as I hardly use any sort of preservatives like vinegar to pickles or citric acid to jams. So refrigeration is important to increase the shelf life of the preserves. Stays good for a year in fridge.
* If you use citric acid,you can even store outside at cool dry place.
* Please feel free to alter the amount of sugar as per the sweetness of pineapple and your taste buds.
You may be interested to try these homemade jams too-
* Mango jam
* Grape Jam
* Mixed Fruit Jam
* Jackfruit(chakka) Jam
* Mixed Berry jam
* Amla(Nellikka) jam
* Apple Jam
It may be well known to many of my readers of my strong liking towards home made preserves may that be pickles or jams or squashes. Store brought jams is not a frequent item bought at my home because I try to reduce the amount of processed sugars in diet as much as possible. But at times when you don't have a stock of homemade ones or you want to try some unique jam flavors then we definitely do. However, homemade jams is served most of the time. Do give this a try if you love putting an extra effort to make this jam. Enjoy !!
Preparation time ~ 20 mins
Cooking time ~ 30 mins
Serves ~ a small bottle
Author ~ Julie
pineapple 2 medium sized or 5 cups diced
sugar 5- 6 tbsp
lemon juice 1 tbsp or citric acid 1/2 tsp
- Peel the skin of pineapple and remove the eyes using a sharp pointed knife wherever possible, chop them in chunks. Add this in a cooker with half cup water. Pressure cook the pineapple pieces until cooked for two whistles.
- Add in the sugar once the pressure is released and grind to a smooth paste in a mixer jar once its cooled.
- Heat a heavy bottomed pan and add the mixture. Keep stirring the mixture using a wooden spatula. Use a clean dry wooden spatula which you don't use for making curries.
- Initially the mixture splashes if its left at high temperature so reduce flame to a low medium and stir in between (it may take roughly 30-35 minutes).
- The pectin in the fruit thickens up the jam and at one point during cooking,you can see the base of the pan when stirring. Add in the lemon juice and mix well.
- Place a plate in the freezer beforehand to check the consistency of the jam till you use (To check the consistency of jam-Drop a little on the plate placed in the freezer.Wait for 45 secs and then tilt the plate to check if the jam is flowing down.If it stays in place then,the jam is ready.).
- Switch off flame,move the pan away from residual heat and leave to cool.
* I usually store my homemade preserves in refrigerator as I hardly use any sort of preservatives like vinegar to pickles or citric acid to jams. So refrigeration is important to increase the shelf life of the preserves. Stays good for a year in fridge.
* If you use citric acid,you can even store outside at cool dry place.
* Please feel free to alter the amount of sugar as per the sweetness of pineapple and your taste buds.
You may be interested to try these homemade jams too-
* Mango jam
* Grape Jam
* Mixed Fruit Jam
* Jackfruit(chakka) Jam
* Mixed Berry jam
* Amla(Nellikka) jam
* Apple Jam
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Can I borrow some for my breakfast toast? It looks amazing!
@Angie's Recipes sure dear, will parcel :)
Dear Julie. Happy New Year. All the best to you and your family.
Love pineapple jam it's one of my favorites. I published a spicy pineapple jam. Give it a try!
Dear Julie. Happy New Year. All the best to you and your family.
Love your pineapple jam. I published a spicy pineapple jam and is delicious. Give it a try.
Looks so good
Back to say a hello after a long time. Home made jams are the best !
Home made jam is the best, jam looks amazing.
@Vineetha sush great to c u back, Vinee..Happy New Year :)
yummm. I love pineapple but never made a jam in my love. This looks really good
I tried today , came out well.... thanks for the healthy jam
Thank you so much, Jincy for the feedback ☺
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