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Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Kallappam (Vellayappam) -Step By Step Pics | Rice Pancakes (without Yeast/ Baking Soda)

Appam without yeast?? Yes..u heard me right.These appams are known as "kallappam" meaning appam made with kallu(toddy).Kallappams are soft appams made at our place regularly as other appams like paalappam and is relished with some chicken stew or spicy chicken curry.We also call this appam as 'vellayappam' too but at my husband's place paalappam(laced appams) is known as 'vellayappam'.Anyways the best name to this appam is kallappam.Kallappam is also served for St.Gregorious perunnal(feast) in our churches as nercha(offering) with kozhi curry.

Coming back to the recipe of kallappam,now the next question arises-how did I get hold of toddy(kallu) in US? Yup,dt's true.. I made kallu at home but with coconut water(recipe below).Toddy(kallu) is one of the traditional and local drink extracted from coconut trees or palm trees in Kerala.When the coconut tree flowers are just budding,the coconut tree climbers(thengu kayattakaran) would reach the bud,make a hole where a white liquid oozes out and tie a pot to collect. Every morning, they fetch the kallu (toddy) from these trees and fermentation starts immediately.

In olden days, toddy(kallu) was used in leavening vellayappam, paalappam or vattayappam and yielded very nice results.My mom & grandmother used to prepare the kallu from coconut water collected from coconuts and that's how I learnt making this kallu (fermented coconut wine).But now days yeast is readily available and so no one bothers to make this kind of appams using coconut water and making appam.However, I love the flavour of these appams very much and is much better for health.You still can make this kallappam with yeast.So, enjoy this appam !!

plain rice/pachari 1.5 cups
grated coconut 1 cup
coconut water 1/2 cup 
sugar 1.5 tbsp
cumin seeds 1/2 tsp
shallots 3-4
cooked rice 2 tbsp
salt 1/2 tsp

Watch on YouTube -

  • I Method -In a clean dry bottle, pour the coconut water and sugar.Shake well and leave undisturbed for 24 hours.The mixture gets cloudy and sweet, intoxicating fermented coconut wine(kallu) gets ready.If you leave it longer, it becomes sour and it turns vinegar.Discard the mixture if, as it yield turns vinegar, it yields sour appams and causes acidity.If making this way, then add only 1/4 cup of the fermented mix.
  • II Method - Add the coconut water to a bowl and add sugar, mix to dissolve. Leave undisturbed for 4–5 hours. This will make a less fermented version but when added to the ground mix, gets fermented nicely. In this method, use 1/2 cup of this mix. In the video, I have used this method.
(fresh coconut & fresh coconut water)

  • Wash and soak the rice in water for 3–4 hours.Drain the water and add grated coconut, cumin seeds, cooked rice, shallots and the kallu in a grinder and blend until smooth.If you are using a mixer, then grind all separately and use kallu (or fermented coconut wine) instead of water for grinding.Make a thick better as for thick dosas.
  • Add salt to the batter and leave for 6–8 hours to ferment.After 6 hours, the batter rises but not like the yeast batter though, gently mix up without deflating the air much.

  • Heat a non-stick pan and add a ladle of batter when tawa/pan gets hot.Cover the non-stick with a lid or plate to get cooked.You'll find bubbles start appearing at the surface and break.The white batter turns off-white and gets cooked.(takes about 1 minute)
  • Slide a spatula and remove to a plate (no need to flip the other side as it gets cooked when covered). But if you feel it to be flipped, then flip and cook for 30 seconds.Repeat the same steps to finish the batter.
  • Serve warm with chicken stew / chicken curry /egg curry/ beef mappas  !!
Servings~ 10-11 appams

* You can add yeast instead of kallu (toddy) if you don't get hold of fresh coconut water.
* Use tender coconut for grated coconut. The texture of appams is very nice. Use only the white portion of coconut for the white colour of appams.
* These appams are off-white due to the fermentation process.
* Canned coconut water may not work good. Use mature coconuts water for best results.
* The amount of yeast is 1/2 tsp of active dry yeast for this amount of rice listed above if not using coconut water.

Paal Appam
Traditional Paalappam 
Wheat paalappam
Corn Ishtu
Fish Molly
Chicken Stew
Beef Mappas
Egg Curry with Potatoes

I made paalappams/vellayappam with kallu, pic below & recipe here-


great-secret-of-life said... Best Blogger Tips

so soft and tasty appam.. love the combo! I just had appam for my dinner :-)

nandoos kitchen said... Best Blogger Tips

wow! super yumm.. soft appams..

Gloria Fernandes said... Best Blogger Tips

looks too too tempting ...I feel tempted looking at the pic..

Hema said... Best Blogger Tips

Such soft and delicious appams Julie, thanks for sharing the coconut wine recipe, bookmarked this dear..

Harini said... Best Blogger Tips

Appam looks so spongy and lite,very tempting,please visit me too,I have enabled comments on my posts now :)

virunthu unna vaanga said... Best Blogger Tips

Yummy Kallappam...

Shella said... Best Blogger Tips

My heart skipped at a beat just looking at those kalappams. So utterly gorgeous....and with a hot chicken curry. Swaratil aayi njaan

Torviewtoronto said... Best Blogger Tips

looks soft and delicious

Hamaree Rasoi said... Best Blogger Tips

Julie, your appam without yeast turned out to be wonderful. Excellent preparation.

Reni said... Best Blogger Tips

Wonderful combo....looks tempting !

jasna varcakovic said... Best Blogger Tips

What an interesting looking bread; never saw something similar.

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

This absolutely delicious appam...... Love it!

Babitha said... Best Blogger Tips

yummy kallappam thnx for sharing kallu recipe.will try

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

These look absolutely soft and wonderful

Beena said... Best Blogger Tips

Adipoli appam and curry. Mouthwatering

Remya said... Best Blogger Tips

wow! super..never tried this version..i used to add tender coconut too.will try your version..

Suhaina said... Best Blogger Tips

My fav..appom looks so spongy. Love it Julie.

Indu said... Best Blogger Tips

You made toddy? Wow!!!

WE make this without kallu, and call it vellayappam. And eat it with beef.

But I am sure this one with kallu tastes better.


radha said... Best Blogger Tips

What a coincidence. I made a spongy dosa type too. But not with the lovely accompaniments you made. Beautiful pictures.

Recipe world said... Best Blogger Tips

Super soft and fluffy Appams..nice recipe Julie :)

Priya Suresh said... Best Blogger Tips

This kallappam tempts me a lot,so spongy and very soft,bookmarking.

Thermofan. Marisa G. said... Best Blogger Tips

I've been missing because I was in France. Now, I'm also travelling nos to the north of Spain.
I've read all your post and I'm glad to be one of your followers because I like to learn about other cultures and recipes. This kallappam tempts me too and I ' m sure, I'd like it to taste it. Making your own kallu must be very gratifying. Cheers and hace a very golf week.

pandamonkey said... Best Blogger Tips

Lovely clicks, Beautiful Kallappam. Been wanting to make this without yeast, so glad I found your recipe! Not sure though how to ferment the coconut water though to make kallu--maybe I didn't follow correctly-- I think i did it wrong so had to add yeast as it wasn't rising. orrr, since it's winter has to rise more time...

Julie said... Best Blogger Tips

@pandamonkey Thanx for dropping by and the feedback too..Yes,its true,in winters it usually takes more time for fermentation and for the kallu to get ready too OR try leaving it n your oven with lights on OR in winters,I usually grind it by 6pm in the evening so gets ready by 7am in the morning.Try any of these tricks,am sure you'll get it right next time..:)

Rosh said... Best Blogger Tips

Julie, these appams look absolutely tempting! I am going to try your recipe but using yeast instead... Will let u know how that goes :)

asha said... Best Blogger Tips

Quick question.Why do you use shallots & cumin in the batter?

Julie said... Best Blogger Tips

Hi Asha,
Cumin and shallots impart a nice flavor and aroma to these kind of appam.. which otherwise can be omitted if not interested to use :)

Asha said... Best Blogger Tips

Thanks for your reply.I just added Cumin & omitted the shallots.Lets see how they turn up:)

JasonVJ said... Best Blogger Tips

If I am using yeast..when shld I put..directly when all ingredients go in the blender??? I am using 6 cups of rice how much yeast shld I add??

Julie said... Best Blogger Tips

You can directly add yeast when you blend the grated coconut but I prefer adding yeast late at night may be at 11 pm to make in the morning else it becomes over fermented.. if you are using active dry yeast then 1 3/4 tsp should be good enough .. if any other type of yeast add upto 2 -2 1/4 tsp. Also add a tbsp of sugar along with yeast to activate better. Hope this helps.