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Thursday, July 31, 2014

Nellikka Achar | Gooseberry (Amla) Pickle

Nellikka Achar/Amla pickle is one of the pickles that mom used to prepare at home frequently. This is her keeper recipe that I have shared.Amla is packed highly with vitamin C and is known to reduce blood sugar levels (read more here).I love the tangy flavors of this pickle, but kids don't favour much to this taste.Love to have a bowl of khichdi or curd rice with this tempting pickle.The pics shown are taken on the day the pickle was made, but after a few days(a week or more) the pickle turned completely blended with spices and softened.Do give it a try if you crave for some, enjoy !!!

Check this Nellikka Uppilittathu (Pickled Gooseberry) too if interested.

Preparation time ~ 10 minutes
Cooking time ~ 15 minutes
Author ~ Julie
Serves ~ a small bottle
amla ;fresh or frozen 12-15
mustard seeds 1tsp
ginger chopped 1 tbsp
garlic chopped 1 tbsp
vinegar 1/4 cup
chilly powder  4 tbsp
asafoetida/hing 1/2 tsp
turmeric powder 1/2 tsp
fenugreek powder(uluva podi) 1/4 tsp 
curry leaves few
salt to taste
sesame(gingelly) oil 4-5 tbsp

Watch on YouTube -


  • Wash and steam the amla(gooseberry) in a steamer until soft.Frozen ones once thawed take less time to cook, whereas fresh ones take longer.Let it cool, then cut in slices and remove pits (seed).Keep aside.(don't discard the steamed water).
  • Heat oil in a pan (non-reactive, preferably) and splutter mustard seeds.Add in curry leaves, sauté ginger and garlic chopped until raw smell disappears.
  • Add in the spice powders and sauté about a minute, add in the cut nellikka(amla).Toss well.Add half the reserved water and salt.Add more water if you want the consistency slightly watery.
  • Let the sauces thicken for 3-4 minutes, or until thickened.Add the vinegar and switch off flame.
  • Cool completely before storing in bottles.

Servings ~ a small bottle

* Adding the amount of water is decided on the gravy consistency. If you wish a dry amla pickle, add only 1/4 cup water.
* The colour of the pickle depends on the type of chilli powder used.
* You should use clean, dry bottles to store pickles.Always cover the lid tightly and always use a clean dry spoon to scoop out pickle.Else, there are chances of fungus.
* You can use this pickle the same day onwards, but it always softens up as you store longer.

Read more pickle recipes,here.

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Irachi Pathiri (Pathil) | Fried Bread with Meat Stuffing (Malabar Delicacy-Step by Step Pics)

Irachi pathiri (Erachi pathil) or Fried bread with meat stuffing is a delicious filling snack and a true malabar delicacy.This was in my try list since long and at last am happy that I tried this,my family loved this snack a lot.Kids are on vacations and this is the perfect time they enjoy food at the most and feel hungry too soon.This snack was a satisfying meal to them.We enjoyed every bit of it and kids have demanded more of it next time.Do give this a try if you eat meat and enjoy !!!

Adapted : Melange
for pathiri/bread
all purpose flour/maida 1 1/2 cups
water as required (approx 1/4-1/2 cup)


for stuffing
*minced chicken/mutton/beef 250 gm or 1/2 lb
turmeric powder 1/4 tsp
chilly powder 1/2 tsp
garam masala 1/4 tsp(optional)
salt to taste

onion 2 medium sized or 1 large finely chopped
green chillies 3-4
ginger shredded fine 1" piece or ginger- garlic paste 2tsp
garlic 3-4 large ones crushed
mint leaves 1tsp
coriander leaves 1tbsp
curry leaves torn 1 sprig
oil 4tbsp + as required for deep fry

for final coating
egg 1
milk 1/2 cup
sugar 1tsp
cardamom powder 1/4 tsp

  • FOR MAKING DOUGH- Mix the salt and all purpose flour well,add in water and make a dough as for chapathis /pooris.Keep aside covered.
  1. Mince the meat if not already done.Add chilly powder,turmeric powder and salt.Cook in a pan on low medium heat.I used boneless chicken thighs and this leaves out water so don't add any water.Let it cook (takes about 5-6 mins) and then dry the water.Switch off flame.
  2. Heat oil(4tbsp) in a pan and add onion,green chillies and saute until onion turns brown in color.Add in the ginger -garlic paste and saute till raw smell disppears.Add the cooked chicken,coriander leaves,mint leaves,curry leaves.Adjust salt if required.Turn off flame and let it cool.

  1.  Make equal portions of the dough and prepare small balls.(The count of balls should be even as each pathiri requires 2 balls,I got 12 balls,makes 6).
  2. Dip each ball in flour and then roll out in a thin round disc/poori shape.Make two round disc.Fill one disc with about 2tbsp filling leaving out 1/2 " space at the outer border to seal.Cover the other disc or poori over the stuffing and then using your fingers,press the sides to seal.Fold the outer border inwards to get a pattern and to double seal the stuffing. 
  3. Repeat this step till you finish all the made balls.Place the prepared pathiris on a floured plate or oiled plate so that it doesn't stick and break.
  • FOR FRYING PATHIRIS-Heat oil in a kadai upto 1 1/2 " deep.Check whether its hot by dropping a small portion of dough,the dough sizzles and rises up is the correct indication that oil is hot.Slide each of the pathiris gently with the sealed ends upwards and then wait till its lightly browned on sides.Turn and flip the other side using a slotted spoon.Fry both sides evenly.Drain on  a paper towel.Repeat this step for all other pathiris.(I fried one at a time)
  • FOR COATING- Beat the egg,milk,sugar and cardamom powder using a wire whisk.Heat another shallow pan with a tsp of oil in it.Dip each fried pathiris in this mixture and fry both sides in the pan(about a minute).Gives a nice glossy look and softness.
  • Serve warm with tea !!!

Servings ~  6 small pathiris(numbers can vary depending on the size of pathiris)

* I have used boneless chicken thighs.You can use your choice of meat.If you're using other meat like mutton or beef then cook in a pressure cooker for fast cooking.
* Mince the meat and then cook or cook the meat and then shred the meat,either way works good.
* I added 1/4 tsp garam masala too for an added spice.
* You can use fork to seal the edges too.Don't overfill the stuffing or else it may break when frying.
* I had made two of them with wheat flour dough too,they come up good.Only drawback I felt is they tend to become soft soon like pooris whereas maida/all purpose flour ones remains crisp slightly longer.

Related posts
Ari Pathiri

Monday, July 28, 2014

Bharwan Bhindi | Stuffed Okra

Bharwan Bhindi or Stuffed Okra is a delicious side dish that can be served with steamed rice or parathas.This is a simple stuffing but you can always play with spices and make it more relishing.Okra is also known as 'lady's finger' in India- a more charming name.These vegetables are low calorie food and also has vitamin A,vitamin C,vitamin K and folates.Do give this popular dish a try and enjoy !!

Adapted Vah Reh Vah
okra(*tender ones) 20 small
coriander powder 1tbsp
kashmiri chilly powder 2 tsp
turmeric powder 1/2 tsp
ginger garlic paste 2 tsp
coriander leaves 2tbsp
salt to taste
oil 1tbsp + 4 tbsp

to temper
cumin seeds 1 tsp
hing 1/4 tsp

  • Wash the okras,pat dry with kitchen towel or paper towel.Snap the head and then cut it open (vertical slit) but don't separate the two halves.Keep aside.
  • Make a paste using the chilly powder,coriander powder,ginger garlic paste,salt and oil (1tbsp).Using hands,stuff each okra with the stuffing and keep aside.
  • Heat oil (4tbsp) in a pan and add cumin seeds when hot.When it sizzles add hing and then add the stuffed okras.Swirl the kadai or pan so that all the okras are soaked in oil evenly.Cook on low medium flame covered.Add a pinch of salt after 5 minutes of cooking.Turn both sides of okra to get it nicely cooked.Switch off flame when oil is absorbed and the okra gets cooked.Garnish with chopped coriander leaves.
  • Serve warm with chapathis/parathas/steamed rice.Drizzle a tsp of lemon juice if you love a tangy flavor else serve just like that.
* You can add 1/4 tsp amchur powder too if you love the flavors. 
* I love the masala slightly browned up(over cooked) but you can always switch off flame at your desired point of cooking.


Snap the tail (pointed end)of each okras,If it snaps easily then its fresh and tender.If it bends and retracts,this means its fibrous and over matured.It will not cook properly.Always select tender ones.

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Ammini Kozhukattai (Savory Steamed Rice Balls) | Healthy Tea Time Snack

Ammini Kozhukattai/ Savory steamed rice balls is a healthy tea time snack made with rice flour.The best part of this recipe is that it uses very less oil and the rice balls are steamed.These are similar to the traditional kozhukatta in looks and texture, except that they are much smaller, and they don't have a filling.But these cute ones are just flavorful with all the spices and the touch of idli milagu podi makes it tastier.This had been in my do list for over a year now and finally am happy that I tried, will add to my healthy snack list often.If you love it and are health conscious, then this is the right snack for you too !!

Please check my insta reel or YouTube #shorts on this recipe.

to make kozhukattai
rice flour 2 cups
water 1 cup
salt to taste

to temper
mustard seeds 1 tsp
chana dal 1 tsp
urad dal split 1 tsp
coconut shredded 3tbsp
idli milagu podi  3tbsp
dry red chillies 2-3
asafoetida / hing /kayam podi 1/4 tsp
curry leaves few
salt a pinch
sesame oil 2tsp

Boil water in a pan and take the rice flour in a bowl, add salt.Add the boiled water to the flour slowly, keep stirring with the back of a wooden spoon until the dough comes together.Leave until it's warm to touch.Knead the dough to get a smooth dough.Make small balls, less than marble size (as these swell on steaming).Keep in a steamer separated and steam for 5-7 mins on medium flame till it's cooked and gets a shiny finish.Remove from heat and keep aside.

Heat sesame oil in a pan and add mustard seeds.When it crackles, add broken dry red chillies, curry leaves.Add in the dals and fry.Add the grated coconut, give a quick stir.
Slide in the steamed kozhukattai, mix well and add a pinch of salt.
Toss the idli milagu podi, give a quick toss and serve !!

Servings ~ 2-3 adults

* If you wish to make a less spicy version, then omit the idli milagu podi or use less.But I personally feel idli milagu podi adds flavor and spice to these kozhukattai.
* Though I mentioned 1 cup of water but always boil slightly more than required as it differs from flour to flour and you shouldn't fall short of boiled water once mixing in dough.
* You can use any vegetable oil but sesame oil adds a nice aroma and taste.
* Always make small balls to get the desired taste.

Check out more kozhukatta recipes from this space-

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Watermelon Granita | Summer Cooler

A perfect season to taste all the refreshing coolers is summer and these drinks serve as the perfect way to quench the thirst too.Fruits and vegetables are found in abundance in this season and we get to taste all different flavors.Watermelon is one such fruit with a high water content and is refreshing when served chilled.When we were kids,one such hot summer vacation train journeys to Kerala reminds me of this very fruit.The three day tiring journey in the hot weather from Delhi was miserable but mom carried lots of cucumber,watermelon,lime packed in ice coolers and chilled water cans to keep us safe from the bubbling heat in the train.Though watermelon was not a newly introduced fruit then but I remember this very incident always.Long train journeys had been an entertaining one with family but at the same time equally tiring too esp in summers.Coming back to this recipe-Watermelon granita.Adding lemon to the juiced fruit and then making similar to ice cream granules(by looks) is indeed a chilled pleasure for kids and even adults too.Enjoy making this simple granita and feel rejuvenated !!

Preparation time ~ 15 minutes
Cooking time ~ nil
Author ~ Julie
Serves ~ a large bowl
watermelon diced 6 cups
lemon juice 2.5 tbsp
granulated sugar 1/3 cup- 1/2 cup

Watch on YouTube -

  • Cut and dice the watermelon in small cubes, leaving out the thick outer portion.Add this to the blender and blend until smooth.Strain for any solid chunks, if any. 

  • Add the lime juice, sugar.Mix well and pour in a glass dish.Cover with cling film and freeze for 2 hours.

  • Take this out and scrape the formed ice with a fork, whatever possible.Freeze again for 45 mins and then remove, repeat the same step, scraping with fork.Repeat the same steps until you can no longer scrape the hard ice any more. Then, deep freeze for 6 hours or overnight.

Finally :)

  • Remove from freezer and then, using a fork scrape the layers gently to form small ice granules.
  • Scoop in glasses and serve chilled !!!

Servings ~ 8 -10 servings

* You can use any other fruit to make granita.
* I have used seedless watermelon to make this.But you can always pit the seeds and use the regular watermelon. Remove seeds if using watermelon seeds.
* The amount of sugar can be modified as per the sweetness of the watermelon.

Related Posts
Mango Basil sorbet
Pineapple Mint cooler
Cherry Lassi

Monday, July 21, 2014

Chettinadu Fish Fry | Fish Fry with Homemade Fish Masala Powder

Hope everyone had a joyful and relaxing weekend.We too had a good one indeed.However,all worries about a busy boring monday keeps haunting sunday night onwards.Things go similar as in life & the days in a week,both has good & bad,and all days being the same may not look inviting as well.Let's think positive and hope for a happy weekend soon,Isn't it?? Coming back to today's post-Chettinadu fish Fry.Iam somehow in love with the flavors of this particular cuisine and have earlier tried Pepper Chicken Chettinad which was also equally loved by all.This is a very tasty fish,definitely a must try for all sea food lovers.Try & enjoy !!

for fish masala
red dry chillies 4-5
fennel seeds 1/2 tsp
jeera 1/2 tsp
coriander seeds 1 tsp
pepper corns 1/2 tsp
turmeric powder 1/8 tsp

for marinating
any firm fish 8-10 small pieces
fish masala (as listed above,see notes)
ginger 1/2" piece
garlic 2 small pods
shallots 4 small or 2 big
lemon juice 1/2 tsp
corn flour 2 tsp(optional)
curry leaves few
salt to taste

Heat a pan and dry roast the ingredients listed under fish masala on low medium flame.Roast till it becomes fragrant and switch off flame.Remove from pan immediately else it will get further cooked in residual heat and there are chances  of getting burnt.Cool and grind in a smooth powder.Sieve the powder if making large batches to store to get fine powder.

-If you are making small batch then you may end with coarse powder masala,don't worry.Just add it to the shallots,ginger and garlic and grind again to make it a smooth paste.
-Rub the fish pieces with coarse salt and wash  under running water for 5-6 times,pat dry with kitchen paper towel.
-Coat the fish with ground masala,salt,lemon juice and leave for marination for 1/2 -1 hour or refrigerate overnight.
-Add the corn flour(optional;see notes) and mix well just before frying.Add in the curry leaves,give a quick toss.
-Heat a pan with oil and slide in the coated fish pieces.Shallow fry or deep fry the pieces arranged in a single layer.Don't over crowd the pan else its difficult to turn all sides.
-Keep turning all sides on low medium flame till its crisp on all sides.Drain on paper towel and serve hot with steamed rice!!!

Servings ~8-10 pieces of fish fry

* I made the fish masala required for marinating this batch of fish only and so used up the whole ground masala.
*Roasting the spices is optional for small batch masala but it helps grinding easier and spices become fragrant.

* You can omit the lemon juice from marination and add after frying.But adding lemon juice along with marination makes the fish soft and juicier.
 * You can add chilly powder 1tbsp instead of red dry chillies if you don't have good spicy chillies and if its difficult to grind smooth.
* You can omit adding corn starch but adding corn starch gives a crispier coating.You can even add besan/chick pea flour or rice flour too.
* You can prepare this fish masala powder in large batches and store in air tight containers for future use and easy access.

Related posts
Sardine Fry | Mathi Varuthathu
Amritsari Fish Fry

Friday, July 18, 2014

Aviyal | Kerala Sadya Dish

Aviyal is a traditional authentic dish well versed with all Keralites.This is an important  inevitable dish of our sadya menu.'Aviyal' can be called as a mix of all vegetables cooked in coconut sauce.To me aviyal was a porridge from childhood,I always loved it steaming hot just like that without steamed rice and other accompaniments.Have you tasted aviyal this way? Probably should.My mom was always happy as I devoured all vegetables with at most satisfaction and had no worries of feeding me veggies.But now as mom,I find it difficult to feed veggies to my kids and this dish at times works out too(though not always).However,this is a very nutritious dish as it has all veggies in  one dish. Do give it a try if you aren't familiar with this and enjoy !!

Watch YouTube #shorts for aviyal recipe.

ash gourd / kumbalanga 1/2 cup thinly sliced
potato 1 medium sized, thinly sliced
colocasia / chembu  2 thinly sliced
drumstick (fresh or frozen) 8-10 pieces
cluster beans /kothavarakka 10-15
carrot  3 medium sized
shallots 5-6
green chillies 4-5
yogurt 1/2 cup or raw mango 1/2 cup
turmeric powder 1/3 tsp

to grind 
coconut grated 1/2 cup
cumin seeds / jeera 1/2 tsp
garlic clove 2 small pods/1 large

to drizzle
coconut oil 2tbsp
curry leaves few


-Wash and cut all vegetables thinly sliced except drum stick.Peel and cut the colocasia and then wash carefully as it may cause skin irritaion to some people.Drain using a colander when washing colocasia.Cut the green chillies vertically slit.
-Add 1/4 cup water and add all vegetables,green chillies,turmeric powder and salt.Cook on medium flame till just tender,take about 5 minutes.Drain excess water if you have any,if only 1/4 cup water is left out then leave as it is.
-In the meantime,grind the coconut,cumin seeds and garlic clove with minimum water and grind until smooth.
-Also,beat the yogurt until smooth.Keep aside. OR If you are using raw mango, add it to the veggies and cook along with other veggies.
-Add the ground paste and adjust salt.Let the coconut sauce thicken(about 3 minutes) and is blended.Add in the beaten yogurt and then give a quick stir.
-Switch off flame and drizzle coconut oil on top with few curry leaves.
-Cover and leave for 10-15 minutes to infuse the coconut oil flavors.
-Aviyal is ready to serve !!

* You can use any assorted vegetables but always group the easily cooked vegetable together and the difficult ones together otherwise the easily cooked ones may get mashed up.You can use yam(chena) or raw plantain or raw banana too.
* Use minimal water to cook the vegetables otherwise the vegetables will also leave out water and the aviyal will become watery.
* Some people use raw mango too instead of yogurt.Yogurt should be slightly sour for the real flavors.
* Use only coconut oil as it gives the authentic flavors.

See other sadya recipes,here.

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Berry Shortcake (Step by Step Pics)

As many of you are aware of the fact that we (Baking Partners) present a delightful bake each month and this month Reeni @ Cinnamon spice and everything nice had suggested these beautiful cuties which had just captured my naughtie's heart at one glance.Thanks Reeni and Swathi to come up with this wonderful bake,really enjoyed baking and munching.And my kids had a creamy yummy look on their faces after finishing them up,really loved these biscuits with all their favorites in it-whipped cream,blue berries and biscuits.In fact,they want these to be made again and have already added this to their wish list.This is an eggless version and which can be prepared without much efforts and time.Calorie conscious?? please stay away,but all others  do give this a try and am sure none can ignore it.

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Adapted : King Arthur Flour
for dough
**pastry flour 2 cups (see notes)
salt 1/4 tsp
baking powder 1 tbsp
granulated sugar 2tsp
heavy whipping cream 1-1 1/4 cup
melted butter 1-2 tbsp
coarse sugar to top(optional)

blue berries 2 pint
granulated sugar 2tbsp

heavy whipping cream 1 pint
granulated sugar 2tsp

  • In a bowl,wash and toss the blueberries with 2tbsp sugar and leave aside to let some juices come out.Cover and refrigerate.But here my kids were very eager to taste these cutees and so I had no time left to refrigerate.Then an idea cracked to cook these blueberries with the same sugar tossed.Heat the blueberries with the sugar tossed on a low medium flame in  a pan  till you start to find bluish tinge juices oozing out of the blueberries(takes about 2 minutes) and turn off flame.Cool it completely before you stuff them in biscuits.Am happy to have done this step,as kids really loved the taste.Do as desired (cook or refrigerate).

  • In another clean grease free cold bowl,add the pint of heavy whipping cream with 2 tsp sugar and beat until thick and stiff peaks form.The cream shouldn't fall back from blades.Cover and refrigerate till using.

  • Pre heat oven to 425 degrees F and line a tray with parchment paper.
  • In a bowl add the flours to make pastry flour,sift well twice with baking powder,granulated sugar(2tsp) and salt .
  • Add the whipping cream to the mixture to moisten thoroughly,when you squeeze the dough it should stay together without pieces falling off (that means the dough shouldn't be very loose or very tight)
  • Turn the dough on a lightly floured surface and gently pat to a 8" circle about 3/4 " thick.
  • Using a cookie cutter or any sharp round cutter cut out circles of 2- 2 1/2 " rounds.Combine the scraps and re do till you finish all the dough.

  • Dip this rounds into melted butter and place on prepared tray.Sprinkle generously with coarse sugar.(As I didn't have coarse sugar, I just sprinkled granulated sugar)
  • Place in oven and bake for 15-18 minutes until golden brown and fluffy.
  • Remove from oven,I had some melted butter left out so just brushed the tops with that butter(optional step).Cool on wire rack until leuk warm .
  • Split the biscuits in half and spread the whipped cream ,add the blueberries with juice and then cover with other half.Top with whipped cream again with blueberries along with its juice.

Servings ~ 10 shortcakes

* You can use raspberries or quart of strawberries(hulled and sliced) instead of blueberry or a combination of all three too.
* You can make your own pastry flour by mixing 1 3/4 cup unbleached all purpose flour + 1/4 cup corn starch.I made it this way and it worked.per
* I reduced the salt mentioned in original recipe of 3/4 tsp to 1/4 tsp.Use as per desired.
* You can use other fruits as well for making this biscuits like strawberries,mangoes.But I don't know how good it works for cooking other fruits to get a syrupy consistency,but blueberries work good.

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Kaplanga(Omakka) Moru curry | Thayir Kachiyathu | Raw Papaya in Buttermilk

Raw Papaya in buttermilk / Kaplanga moru curry is a very simple yogurt based curry that is served mainly with rice. It has subtle flavors and is a very traditional recipe frequently made in all Keralite homes.This curry can be made with other vegetables like vellarika(cucumber) or kumbalanga(ash gourd).Moru curry can be made without vegetables too.But here kids love it with some vegetables,adds a nice crunch.This was a regular curry at home and my cousins even called this 'yellow moru(butter milk)'.Do give it a try if you haven't and enjoy with steamed rice !!!

raw papaya,peeled &diced about 1 cup
yogurt beaten 1 cup
water 3/4 cup
turmeric powder 1/2 tsp
fenugreek/methi/uluva powder 1/4 tsp
green chillies 3-4 sliced
ginger shredded 1" piece shredded
garlic cloves 3-4 shredded
shallots/kunjulli 3-4 chopped fine
mustard seeds 1/2 tsp
curry leaves a sprig
salt to taste
oil 2-3 tsp

-Beat the yogurt and then blend with water to make thin buttermilk.Keep aside.
-Heat a wide pan or kadai.Splutter mustard seeds,add curry leaves followed by ginger,garlic,green chillies & shallots.Saute till shallots turn translucent.
-Add in turmeric powder and fenugreek powder,saute half a minute.
-Add the diced papaya and add 1/4 cup water.Add salt required for the raw papaya pieces,cover and cook till the raw papaya pieces turn tender and water is absorbed.(takes about 5-7 minutes on low medium flame)
-Add the buttermilk on low flame and keep stirring till its heated(don't bring to boil).Remove from heat else it will curdle. OR Heat the butter milk in another pan with turmeric powder and heat it.Switch off flame and add the cooked raw papaya pieces with the temperings.Stir well.
-Add salt once cooled or leukwarm.Serve with steamed rice !!!!

* Don't bring the buttermilk to a boil as it may curdle.Also,add this on low flame.
* You can add other veggies like vellarika/cucumber, ash gourd or just make plain moru curry without any veggies as well,tastes good.
* You can even temper the curry at the end after cooking the raw papaya pieces separately in a pan with turmeric powder and salt.
* You can even add fenugreek seeds instead of fenugreek powder if you don't have.
* If you wish to spice it more,add 1/2 tsp chilly powder too.I usually omit that."

Related posts
Pineapple Pullissery
Kumbalanga(ash gourd) Pachadi
Mambazha Pullissery

Friday, July 11, 2014

Kanchipuram Idlis | Kanchi Idlis | Kanjeevaram Idlis

Kanchipuram idlis is another version of soft idlis which taste unique and delicious.These idlis are loaded with peppercorns and other spices like ginger powder (or ginger), cumin seeds and curry leaves.It originated from 'Kanchipuram' a small town in Tamil Nadu and hence got its name. These idlis are offered as a prasadam (offering) in a famous temple in Kancheepuram. They are made in bamboo maker lined with mandharai leaves. These leaves add a flavour to the idlis when steamed. The batter is steamed in idly pots placed in Kudalai (a bowl made with leaves available only in kanchipuram).It needs slow cooking. Cooker is not advisable and after an hour or so, it can be removed and sliced.

However, these idlis can be prepared in regular idli moulds in small bowls or in plates, as I made. This was in my do list since long and finally had the chance of tasting this flavourful idlis.This is a must-try for all idli lovers, and probably you would love it !!

Preparation time ~ 10 minutes
Cooking time ~ 15-20 minutes
Serves ~3 plates of idlis
Author ~ Julie
to grind
plain rice/raw rice/idli rice 2 cups
whole urad dal/gotta urad dal 1 cup
cooked rice 2 tbsp
fenugreek seeds 1/2 tsp  

to temper
chana dal or broken cashews 4-5 tbsp
ginger fine chopped 2 tbsp
ginger powder /chukku podi 1 tsp
black pepper corns, crushed 2 tbsp
cumin seeds, crushed 2 tbsp
asafoetida /hing /kayam podi 1/4 tsp
ghee, melted 1/3 cup
gingelly oil (nallenna) 1/3 cup
curry leaves,roughly chopped 4-5 sprigs
salt to taste

  • Wash and soak rice and urad dal separately for 3-4 hrs.If you are using Idli rava soak it for just 1 hr before grinding.Now grind the idli rice to a slight coarse batter, slight rawa textured batter unlike regular idli batter. Keep the batter thick and do not add much water while grinding.Remove and keep aside.Add the urad dal and grind to a fine batter with minimal water.Add cooked rice and grind smooth.Mix all batters well with hands and aerate using your hands.Leave to ferment 8-10 hours and slightly longer in winters.(I usually add salt after fermentation, you can add at this point if you wish.Mix well.)
  • If using chana dal then soak for 2 hours else roughly chop cashews, keep ready.

  • After fermentation, add crushed cumin seeds, crushed pepper corns, ginger powder (or ginger), torn curry leaves, cashews (or chana dal) to the batter.Add salt if not added earlier in the batter and mix well.
  • Add hot ghee and oil, and stir to incorporate well in the batter.
OR Heat a pan, add ghee. Fry the cashews until lightly browned. Drain from ghee, and to the same ghee. Add gingelly oil. Add the fine chopped ginger, torn curry leaves, crushed pepper corns, crushed cumin seeds, asafoetida powder, dry ginger powder and switch off flame. Add the tempering to the batter, mix well. 
  • Grease a flat plate or regular idli moulds with ghee or oil and pour this batter up to 3/4th depth and steam in a steamer for 15-20 mins or a knife inserted in the centre comes out clean.These idlis take a slightly longer time compared to regular idlis.Keep a watch.
  • Leave the plates in the steamer for 5 mins before you unmould the plate.Pour cold water to the back (under surface)of the plates and then run a sharp knife around the edges and carefully remove from the plates.Cut in wedges and enjoy with tomato chutney or peanut mint chutney or any other desired chutney.

* Add yogurt /curd 1/2 cup if your batter is not fermented well. Omit if well aerated batter. 
* Add 1/4 tsp baking soda, it just fully aerates the batter to get cooked faster. Omit if you have a well fluffed batter.
* If you are using idli rawa, squeeze the idli rava and add it to the ground urad dal and grind for 5 minutes.
* If you are using cooker to steam idlis, don't forget to remove the whistle.
* Add more ghee if you wish a more calorie version.
* Tempering and adding or adding just like that is your choice. Both ways demand oil and ghee to be poured hot.
* This mixture can be steamed in idly pots placed in Kudalai (a bowl made with leaves available only in kanchipuram).It needs slow cooking. Cooker not advisable. After an hour or so, it can be sliced.