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Wednesday, February 29, 2012

EP Series: Herbs & Spices(Event Announcement )

Hi friends,
'EP Series :Herbs & Spices' is going to be a monthly event to know our herbs & spices better.There are a wide range of herbs & spices starting from the simplest ones to the rarely used ones.The theme herbs & spices is vast and we can't cover it in just a month event.So,I have chosen a herb & a spice to make it easier for a month.And there are many hidden recipes with these herbs & spices,so I just want to bring them together under one roof so that it becomes easier for us to browse these recipes.The recipe can be from any continent and usage of both herb & spice together in one recipe is also not required,either of the two can be used.But that should be one of the main ingredients strictly (not the ones used for garnish and tempering).All this is possible only by your support and interest,friends.I also take the privilege in inviting all my other fellow bloggers who are interested in guest hosting the event for a month with their own selected herb & spice for that month unless its already used or is already booked.Starting from tomorrow,1st March -31st March,am hosting the event at my Erivum Puliyum space,& you guys put on your unique aprons & send in your entries right away to share & learn better !!


-The event runs for 1 full month starting from the 1st -last day of the month.
-You can choose your interested herb & spice for the month,your own discretion,just make sure that you chose one herb & one spice for the month.
-Announce the event at your space a day before the starting date and add in the above logo.It would be nice if you leave a note to link my event announcement page as well along with your event announcement page
-Do drop me a line at julstreat(at)gmail(dot)com if you are interested to host for a month and specifying the herb & spice too so that we can know at the earliest & confirm the months.
-The link to the round up of event should be sent to me so that I can publish it in the round up page calender at my space too,(The link is here).
-The awards can be your given at your own discretion.


1.The event runs for the period of 1st March- 31st March 2012.
2.The theme for this month is "Cilantro leaves & Cumin"You can use one ingredient in a dish or use both but that ingredient should be one of the main ingredients.It can vary from starter,main dish ,dessert or any other recipes,sweet or savory anything.For eg Jeera rice,Cilantro Chutney,Jal jeera ,cilantro chapathis,Cilantro chicken n so on..(No recipes which don't follow this rule will not qualify for the event
3.Bloggers and Non bloggers can participate.Bloggers can link their recipes using the linky tool below.Bloggers who find it difficult or find some problem to link can also send &Non-bloggers can send in their recipes to my mail justreat(at)gmail(dot)com with the following details-
Your Name-
Recipe Name-
Recipe Details-
Pic of the Dish
4.Recipe must be linked to this event announcement page and to the host's event announcement page  if hosted by a guest.
5.You can link both Veg & Non Veg recipes.
6.Send in any number of entries.You can link in your old entries too (limiting 2 per person),just add the logo and the link under the post or repost another 2 entries too.(total of 4 archived posts)
7.Usage of logo is appreciated for all entries.
That is not the end to it; There are 4 awards for the BEST INNOVATIVE RECIPE AWARD, TOP CONTRIBUTOR AWARD,BEST HEALTHY DISH AWARD & PARTICIPATION AWARD.So,Folks put on your innovative caps and think tight,do right and link in your recipes at the earliest before 31st March,2012.
Best Wishes to All !!!!

* Either cumin or cilantro leaves can be used. or both can be used.
* Either cumin /cilantro leaves must be a compulsory and main ingredient.Cumin should be atleast 1tsp used in the recipe.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Corn Chaat (Sweet,Spicy & Tangy Combo) & Awards !!!!

Sweet corn chat is a simple yet tasty recipe which can be done as a quick fix for kids in snacks.Though sweet corn consists of large amount of sugar in it,it has significant amount of anti oxidant properties which reduces the risk of heart diseases and cancer.This recipe can also be had as a healthy salad.We all love corn kernels so this is an easy alternative and I usually prepare it on a tired day when am not in a mood to cook anything!!

corn kernels 2 cups (I used the frozen bag)
onion 1 medium sized chopped
tomato 1 chopped
coriander leaves
sweet chilli sauce 2 tsp
chaat masala 1 tsp
pepper powder 1/2tsp
lemon juice 2tsp

Method -Steam the packet of corn in a microwave according to packet instructions.
-If you are using fresh corn kernels,then steam the kernels in a steamer for 10-15 minutes.
-Chop the veggies,And combine all the ingredients in a large bowl and toss.
-Add in the salt,lemon juice,sweet chilli sauce,chat masala.
-Toss and ready to serve!!

Servings ~ 3 adults

* You can add only black pepper powder instead of sweet chilli sauce.But the sweet chilli sauce gives a unique flavor to the chat.

Sending this to  CWS -Corn

I am happy to participate in the ABC series- Desserts and have won the Dessert Chef Award.Thanx Ramya @ Ramya's Recipes for the lovely award and her ongoing series now is ABC Series-Egg Recipes,Do participate friends.

Am happy to share that I recieved' Fit n Fine Award' for participating in the event Fast Food not Fat food guest hosted by Priya Sreeram @ Bon Appetit . Thank You,Priya!!

I received 2 awards from Valentines Day Event Participation award & Top Contributor Award for the Valentines Day Event hosted by Teena @ Yummy Delights. Thank You,Teena!!

I also received an award from my dearest  friends Simran @ Lazy Cooks Kitchen, Rasi @ Vegetarian Food & Me,Vimitha @ My Culinary Trial Room , Hema @ Aromatic Cooking & Divya @ Divya's Culinary Journey.Thanx a lot friends for the award,Feeling really honoured and very happy too..
The rules for accepting the award are-
1.Add the Versatile blogger award.
2.Thank The blogger who nominated you in a post with a link back to their blog.
3.Share 7 completely random pieces of information.
4.Include this set of rules.
5.Forward this to 15 other bloggers and inform them with a comment on each of their blog.

Coming to the 7 random pieces about me-
1.I love travelling & visiting new places, but my husband is just the opposite to many a time travelling just happens in my fantasies :)
2.I love cooking and love my kids faces when they devour it and say yummy :)
3.I hate sitting idle; Am always with some work or the other..The person who gets annoyed the most is my dear hubby.
4.I have lot of other hobbies too like painting,embroidery work,knitting or beading.But after kids are born,it is just gone over to null and sometime find some time for beading.
5.I don't easily give up things,keep trying a lot..My husband says I got lot of patience.
6.I always love perfection & so am not satisfied with many of the works I do & find ways to improve upon.Also am particular to cleanliness, keep my rooms very clean & tidy.So sometimes even get angry at kids for not placing their toys in place.
7.Last but not the least,I have least faith in luck & truly believe in God,the Almighty  and always trust him for all the good & bad times in life.I have always earned every bit in life only by hardwork and never has luck favored me till day.(Don't know about tomorrow :))

Coming to my final part of the award,Am passing (restricting myself as the rule says) these with my following 15 blogger  buddies-
1.Prathibha @ Cook Ezee
2.Chandrani @ Cuisine Delights
3.Kaveri @ Palakkad Chamayal
4.Archana @ The Mad Scientist's Kitchen
5.Vineetha @ Ruchi
6.Sadhana @ Sensible Veg
7.Ramya @ My little Cake factory
8.Sangee @ Spicy Treats
9.Reena@ Achu's amma's Kitchen
10.Misha @ Kitchen Magic
11.Princy @ Spicy Foood
12.Rita @ Sage Cuisine
13.Elpininki @Tomato Sauce
14.Ramya @ Ramya's Recipes
15.Poonam @ Kande Pohe
Copy & paste it your adorable space and add it to your accolades,Enjoy !!!

Monday, February 27, 2012

Nutella Oatmeal Cookies(No Bake & Eggless)

Nutella is one spread which none will utter 'No'to the taste,Isn't It? We are a nutella family,everyone loves it so are the nutella recipes too..So blindly I can state that my family will love it!! Earlier I had posted the Nutella Palmiers and now here comes another interesting recipe of cookies using nutella,these cookies are not baked and have oatmeal as the binder,they are chewy soft cookies and all will definitely love this.The ingredients are quite simple to remember ,all 1/2 cups except sugar and rolled oats.Do try these healthy cookies and serve as quick alternative for kids snacks or breakfast too!!

oatmeal 3 cups
butter 1/2cup / 1 stick
cocoa 1/2 cup
nutella 1/2 cup
milk    1/2 cup
sugar 1 1/2 cups(you can increase upto  1 3/4 cups if you want it very sweet)
vanilla 1 tsp

-Heat a sauce pan on medium heat,combine the sugar,cocoa ,milk and butter .Bring to a boil stirring continously till there are no lumps.Simmer the heat and let it boil for another 3 minutes.Put off the flame.
-Remove from heat ,add vanilla and nutella.
-Add oats and mix well.
-Drop quickly on a parchment paper when warm or shape it into desired cookies shape as they can be easily rolled in hand.
-Allow cookies to cool and set for 30 minutes.
-Ready to serve.

SERVINGS~ 20 cookies

Friday, February 24, 2012

Easy Coconut Macarons

Macarons are a type of light baked confection described as small cakes or meringue like cookies.Originally the macaroons were made of ground almonds.Most macaron recipes call for egg whites and are mixed with ground nuts or coconut.Coconut macarons are generally a type of popular meringue like cookies which has an egg white base and features dried coconut flakes.I usually buy the sweetened coconut flakes for baking and this time I just happened to look over the cover and found this recipe.It was a very simple one and so gave it a try.These macaroons when baked were a little crisp outside and soft inside; of melt in mouth consistency and kids just loved them :)

coconut flakes 1 1/2 cup
sugar granulated 1 cup
vanilla essence 1/2 tsp
egg white 2
salt a pinch

-Take the egg whites,salt and vanilla essence in a bowl.Whisk the egg white mix  till fluffy.(stiff peaks)
-Add in the granulated sugar and whisk again till its becomes silvery white and glossy.
-Fold in the coconut flakes .Preheat the oven to 325 degrees F and line a tray with parchment paper.
-Drop a spoonful of mix and slightly shape them into round with the back of the spoon .Leave a space of 2'' in between cookies.
-Place it in the oven and bake for 20 minutes.
-Cool on wire rack and cookies are ready to serve!!

Servings ~15 macaroons

* You can add 1/4 cup all purpose flour to make it a bit dense.
* The consistency of egg whites should be fluffy till it forms peaks when whisked.
* Nuts can also be added to the ingredients to make it more tastier.

Sending this to The Kerala Kitchen ,Just 4 fun, Holi haiSpotlight :Colorful Holi , ABC Series- Egg Recipes , Bon Vivant-Sweet Recipes

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Egg Parathas / Whole Wheat Indian Flat Bread with Egg stuffing

Parathas are the Indian flat breads which are made of wheat flour; mainly originated from the northern parts of India.They can be plain or with different stuffing.Winter is the perfect time according to me to relish parathas the most as they are so tasty when served hot.This time I gave the egg stuffing a try and that was really good.Kids loved this a lot,and I just served it with plain yogurt with black pepper and salt.So,friends enjoy this eggy parathas and hope you all give this a try !!

for making dough
Wheat flour 1.5 cup
carom seeds / ajwain seeds 1.5 tsp
water as required

for making filling
eggs  3
onion 1 large size
ginger garlic paste 1/2 tsp
green chillies 2
pepper powder 1/2tsp (I skipped the green chillies and added 1tsp pepper powder)
turmeric powder 1/2tsp
garam masala 1/2 tsp
cilantro or any herbs of your choice 3-4 sprigs
oil 1tbsp

for applying 
ghee or vegetable oil as per preference

-Take a large bowl and add the ingredients listed under dough to prepare a dough like for chapathis.Cover and leave aside for 10-15minutes.
-In the mean time,Prepare the filling- Heat oil in a non stick pan and saute the onion till it becomes translucent.
-Add the ginger garlic paste and saute till raw smell disappears.
-Add the spices,salt and cilantro.
-Make a well in the center of the pan and break eggs one by one into it.Scramble the egg and cook on medium flame.Dry the contents and put off flame.Let it cool.

-Now,Take the dough and make 8 balls.Roll one ball and lightly flour the surface and roll it using a rolling pin into 3'' diameter.Take 1.5 tbsp of filling and place it in the center.
-Close the chapathi like a pouch or bag and seal tightly.
-Again flour the dough and roll it carefully using a rolling pin as thin as possible.(Make sure not to break the pouch )
-Heat a tawa / frying pan and place the paratha on the heated tawa.
-Cook both sides of the paratha till equally done .
-Now apply some ghee or oil on both sides.
-Repeat the same with other balls.
-Serve it  hot with raitha of your choice !!

Servings~ 8 parathas

* Adding carom seeds is optional but it gives a nice flavor and helps in digestion too.
* I served it with plain yogurt mixed with black pepper and salt,tastes good .
* You can use ghee to apply for kids & oil for adults.

(Caught a glimpse of my hubby's plate)

Sending this to ABC Series : Egg Recipes hosted by Ramya @ Ramya's Recipes

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Instant Dhokla | Khaman Dhokla | Savory Steamed Cake with Seasoning

Dhokla is a Gujarati snack and is made of chick peas flour(besan).I love dhoklas a lot esp the garnish on top with cilantro,green chillies and shredded coconut tempts the most :) and was my favorite during college days.This is a steamed snack and a very simpler one to prepare.If you love savory snacks,you will love this snack as well.The original recipe is to done with eno fruit salt but I replaced it with baking soda.It came out really good ,soft and fluffy.So,sharing the instant dhokla recipe!!
(pics updated)

gram flour 1.5 cups
green chillies 2
ginger 1'' piece
lime juice 1.5tsp
eno fruit salt 1-1 1/2tsp/ baking soda 1/2 tsp
turmeric powder 1/3 tsp
sugar 2 tsp
salt as required(1tsp)
water 1/2 cup
curd 1/2cup

to temper
mustard seeds 1tsp
green chillies 4 vertical slit
oil 1-2tsp

to garnish
cilantro 3-4sprigs chopped
coconut shredded 2 tbsp

-Wash and grind the green chillies and ginger to a fine paste.(If you're using water to make a paste,then adjust it in the half cup of water mentioned)
-Place the gram flour in a wide bowl.Add in the salt,sugar,green chillies- ginger paste,turmeric powder,water,curd,lemon juice and mix well without any lumps.
-Grease a plate with oil and place a steamer with water in it on medium heat.
-Mix the baking soda at the end just before pouring it into the plate.

-Pour the mixture into the plate and place it in the steamer .
-Steam for 10-15minutes and remove the plate.(You will note the dhokla leaving the sides and insert a toothpick in the centre,check the tooth pick comes out clean -its done)
-Cool for few minutes and invert it on a plate .Cut into square pieces.
-Heat oil in a pan for tempering,splutter mustard seeds and saute the green chillies.Pour it on the dhoklas.
-Garnish each piece with shredded coconut and chopped cilantro !!

Servings ~15 pieces

*I have used baking soda,it came out very spongy.
*Use the measured amount of water otherwise it may not come out perfect and go watery.
* Use the ginger as it helps in digestion and a nice flavor too.

Sending this to Show me your HITS hosted by Sangee @ Spicy Treats , Color n Fest Holi Hai hosted by Preeti @ Preeti's Kitchen Life,Know your flours-Gram Flour hosted by Ansh @ Spice Roots

Monday, February 20, 2012

Fish Biriyani (Step by Step Pics)

Biriyani is loved by all, it has a lovely flavor lock, and it is quite a tedious process, but the end result is worth tasting. Earlier I had tried the Chicken dum Biriyani and now this time for a change I tried this and believe me, My family just loved this biriyani. My kids love fish, and so it was much simpler for me. They just devoured it. I was happy to see that. I prepared a large amount of biriyani but here in the recipe, I just reduced the ratio to a 1.5 cups rice ratio to make things easier. So friends, Hope you will try this at your home too and will definitely love it!

(New pics updated with king fish & jeerakashala rice)

To Cook Rice
basmati or jeerakashala 1.5cups
water 2.5 cups 
cinnamon 1'' piece
cloves 3-4
cardamom 3-4
star anise 1
peppercorn 5-6
bay leaves 2

To Marinate
fish (Tilapia /Salmon/King Fish) 1 lb(500 gms approx.)
yogurt 2 tbsp
ginger garlic paste 1tsp
chilly powder 1 tsp
coriander powder 2tsp
pepper powder 1tsp
garam masala 1/2tsp
turmeric powder 1/2tsp

To prepare masala
onion 1 large sliced
tomato 1 medium sliced
turmeric powder 1/2tsp
chilly powder 1/2tsp
pepper powder 1 tsp
garam masala/ biriyani masala 1 tsp
green chillies 4 slit vertically
ginger garlic paste 1 tsp
curry leaves
mint leaves 2 -3 tsp chopped
cilantro 4 -5sprigs chopped
oil 4 tsp

To Garnish
onion 1 large sliced
ghee 1 tbsp

(old pic, biriyani made with fillets)

  • Rub the fish using salt and lemon.(I usually apply it all over the fish and leave it for 15minutes.) Wash under running water 5-6 times until all bad odour disappears, or else repeat the first step. Cut into medium-sized pieces and marinate using the ingredients listed for 1 hour. Heat oil in a non-stick pan and shallow fry the pieces (just caramelize, do not brown it up). Drain on a paper towel and keep aside.

  • Wash the basmati rice and soak in water for 30 minutes. Heat ghee in another pan and fry the cashews, raisins. Keep aside. Fry the rice in the same ghee for 2-3minutes after draining the water. Place a cooker with 2.5 cups water, add salt and the other spices listed under cooking rice . Bring to boil and add rice. Keep on medium flame. Cover and cook till the water evaporates and the rice is cooked. Put off flame.

  • In the meantime, place another pan on medium heat, add oil. Sauté onion till translucent. Add the green chillies, curry leaves, coriander leaves/cilantro, mint leaves. Sauté and add the ginger garlic paste. Add the chopped tomatoes and cook till mashed. Add all spices listed to prepare masala and sauté for 2 minutes till the raw smell vanishes. Pour a cup of water and salt. Bring to boil. Add the caramelized fish pieces.(Don't stir much, as there are chances of breaking the pieces.) Cover and cook for 10 minutes till gravy thickens. Keep this in low -medium flame. Add the cooked rice on top. Cover or seal it tightly and leave for another 15-20 minutes.
  • Heat another pan with 3tsp of oil and sauté the onion for garnish till brown and add to the cooked rice along with fried cashews, raisins and chopped cilantro. Serve it with raitha, papad & pickle!!

Servings ~ 3-4 adults

*You can skip the caramelising fishes if you have salmon or king fish .I had used tilapia and these fillets can break easily,so had fried them.
*You can also skip the fried onions for garnish too.
* The spice level is on a higher side,if you wish a milder version- please reduce your spices esp pepper powder and green chillies according to your taste buds.

Friday, February 17, 2012

Kerala Style Rosette Cookies | Achappam (Acchappam) - Flavors of Kerala

First of all,let me thank each one of my dear friends who visited my 200th post and left their warm wishes.Also I thank those who wished birthday wishes to my son as well.Thanx again for all the love and blessings !!!

Kerala,God's own Country has its uniqueness in many ways.This uniqueness has not spared the flavors as well.There are many recipes associated and has left good tasty memories behind it.One such snack recipe is the Achappam /Rosette Cookies.These cookies are deep fried in oil and are usually made of rice flour.But I add all purpose flour as my mom does,it really enhances the taste.When mom used to prepare these for us ,it,we used to munch less and make rings out of the shapes and wore it in all fingers.Many of you might have also done this,and now when I see my kids doing the same ..I just recollected it!These cookies also require a mould to prepare (as seen in pic) and these are available in shops.So,friends enjoy the flavor of Kerala!!

rice flour 2 cups
all purpose flour(maida) 1 cup
sugar 1cup
eggs 2
thick coconut milk 2 cups / whole milk 2 cups
black sesame seeds 1 tbsp
cumin seeds 1/4 tsp
salt a pinch

-Beat the eggs lightly.
-Mix all the dry ingredients,add in the beaten egg and thick coconut milk.Make a batter like that of dosa or pancake.Keep it aside for 30-45 minutes covered.
-Heat oil in a kadai and leave the mould in the centre of the oil.(The mould should be dipped in boiling oil for 2 minutes each time before you prepare a new cookie,otherwise the cookie batter may not stick to the mould and also may not detach easily if oil isn't hot enough.)
-The hot mould should be dipped in batter(don't immerse the mould fully just dip 3/4th of the mould).
-Take the mould out of the batter and immerse in oil.Gently shake the mould so that the cookie detaches.(If it doesn't detach,use a skewer or fork to detach.)
-Turn it over till all sides are cooked and browned.Remove and place on a paper towel.Keep the mould dipped in hot oil for the next cookie making and throughout till you finish making.
-Serve achappam and store remaining achappam after it cools down completely,store in air tight containers !!

Servings~ 50-60 cookies

* You can make it with rice flour alone,it tastes good that way too.Omit maida if needed,maida adds an extra crunch.
* You can whole milk too instead of coconut milk,I have made and tasted both.
* Don't shake the mould vigorously otherwise it will not hold the proper shape.
* Adding black sesame seeds gives a nice flavor and color spots on cookies.
* The main secret behind making the rosette cookies, is the mould should be dipped in hot oil otherwise the batter will not stick to the mould.

Sending this to The Kerala Kitchen , Holi Hai , Spotlight:Colorful Holi , Show Me your HITS ,Bon Vivant-Sweet Moments

Also ,I received an award from two of my blogger friends -Maha @ Mahas lovely Home & Reena @ Achu's Amma's Kitchen.Thanx a lot friends,feeling honoured and flying high :)They both have a lovely space,Do hop into their space too.

'Liebster'means favourite  or dearest in German.In accepting the award,the recipient agrres to :
- Thank the person that gave the award and link back to their blog.
-Copy and paste the award to your blog.
-Reveal the 5 blogs you have chosen to award and let them know by commenting on their blog.
-Hope they pass it forward by accepting and awarding it to bloggers they would like to honour.
I would like to pass it to the following  bloggers-

5.Hema @ Aromatic Cooking

Wishing all A Happy Weekend !!

Thursday, February 16, 2012

My 200th Post- Rasmalai | Step Wise Pics of Making Home Made Paneer & Rasmalai

200th Post?? Yes, dear friends.I have reached 200 posts in less than a year, quite a big achievement as far as am concerned since I got my little ones at home and many of the other mums might also agree with me; how difficult is blogging and clicking snaps with kids around.I learnt so many good things after starting off with blogging, especially improved culinary skills, experimenting new dishes, improving photography skills and presentation.Above all, I have made many good blogger friends whom I haven't met otherwise (virtual friends).Thanks a bunch, friends, for being part of this little space.I have another happy news to share with you all.It was my son's birthday last week and he turned five.How fast time flies off ?? I still remember the day (none of the mothers can forget, isn't it?) I received him as a bundle of joy in my arms and I stepped into the world of motherhood, and there were many other first timers as well to join the line-my dad as grandfather, my mom as grandmother, my sis as mausi and so on the list goes on as he was the first grandchild of my family !!

Watch the YouTube # shorts here.

Enough of talks, coming back to today's recipe.My birthday boy doesn't like kheer / payasam but loves sweets. So just prepared these for dessert for the celebration.Rasmalai is an Indian (Bengali) dessert consisting of soft cooked paneer/cottage cheese balls immersed in sweet flavoured milk, unlike the Rasagullas(you can find the recipe here)which are immersed in sugar syrup.I prepared the homemade paneer and so explaining that process as well.You can use the store brought cottage cheese/paneer too and start off preparing the patties. So friends, enjoy the yummy Rasmalai recipe!!

milk 8 cups
lemon juice/vinegar 1/2 cup
Other accessories-
cheese/ muslin cloth
kitchen towel

sugar 3 cups
water 6 cups

milk 4 cups (if using milk powder to thicken ,otherwise 6 cups,boil and reduce to 4 cups)
sugar 5 tbsp
milk powder 1 cup(I used low fat milk powder)
cardamom powder 11/2tsp
sliced almonds / pistachios 2 tbsp
saffron threads a pinch


-Boil the milk in a pan ,stirring continously on medium heat. (Check whether milk is not burned at the bottom of the pan)
-Add in the lemon juice /vinegar slowly when it comes to boil.You will notice the milk fat getting separated from the whey.Simmer for 1-2 minutes and put off flame.

-Place a muslin cloth in a colander and pour the contents  into it,Squeeze it tight and remove excess water.Place the wrapped paneer under running cold water to remove sourness of vinegar/lemon juice.Squeeze all the water possible in it.
-Wrap a kitchen towel over it and start kneading on the towel to make the paneer soft.
-Flatten a bit  and place it under a heavy pan or cooker.(I filled my cooker with water and placed the paneer under that to give nice pressure.

-Release pressure after one hour if using for dishes which require crumbling or else release after 2 hours for the paneer cubed pieces so that it doesn't break.(Cut into cubes and refrigerate for further use.)

The home made Paneer ready

(Cubed pieces for making paneer based curries)

-I prepared Rasmalai out of this, so released pressure after 1 hour and crumbled it up.Kneaded the dough very smooth and soft.(just like you do it for wheat flour/atta dough for chapathis)

crumbled paneer


-Divide the dough into 24equal parts and start forming smooth balls.Apple a little pressure in the beginning and then release, smoothen to get the ball.
-Place a pressure cooker on medium heat and add sugar and water, bring to a boil.
-In the meantime, flatten it into the shape of patties(3/4" thick), leave aside.Repeat the same with other balls.
-Add the patties into it and close the lid, let it whistle once.Put off flame and wait till pressure is released.(I used a 5litre cooker, it can accommodate maximum of only 12 at a time (Otherwise the patties stick together as it doubles in volume). I added half the amount of water(3 cups) and sugar (1 1/2 cups) and repeated the procedure again with the remaining sugar, water and patties)

-Once the pressure is released, take out the patties and squeeze them gently to remove excess sugar syrup, keep aside. Add to a bowl of water and squeeze out excess syrup. Keep aside.

-Boil the milk in a non-stick pan wide enough to accommodate the patties, keep on medium heat and keep stirring to avoid burning of milk at the bottom.Wait till it reduces to 4 cups and thickens.
OR, If you are using milk powder, then bring 4 cups of milk to boil and mix the dry milk powder in half a cup of hot milk and stir into the boiling milk.
-Add in the sugar and patties.Let it boil for another 5 minutes.
-Add in the powdered cardamom and saffron threads.(Gives a nice colour and flavour)
-Garnish with sliced almonds/ pistachios(I used sliced almonds)

* To check the paneer if it's out of required water, take a small amount in the palm, rub for 15-20seconds.Hold it tight to see if it shapes into a ball, then it's done.
* If you are preparing paneer for other dishes, then ensure you keep it for 2 hours under the weight.
*The flavoured milk should be thick and not watery.