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Thursday, January 12, 2012

Trifle Pudding & Awards !!!!!

 First of all,let me thank each one of you for going through the roundup of my event and leaving your encouraging comments as always :-).Coming back to Today's recipe- ATrifle pudding .This is one pudding which has a vast variety of choices and we mainly come across the strawberry trifle or the fruits trifle.But here,I have added jelly as one layer ,cake as the base and custard on top.A very easy dessert to prepare and a colorful one as well.Kids will surely love this and ask for more..I had prepared this in one of our potluck parties.We all loved this a lot and hope you all will give this a try and enjoy at home :-)

For Vanilla Cake (Ingredients & Recipe is here)

For Vanilla custard-
milk 2 cups
vanilla 1 tsp
egg yolk 2 (optional;enhances flavor)
corn flour 3 tbsp
sugar 1/2 cup

For Strawberry jelly & Lime jelly(3 oz/90g pkt)
Hot water 1 cup(each)
cold water 1 cup (each)

For soaking the cake
Coffee powder 1tsp
sugar 2 tbsp
water 1/2 cup

For final topping(optional)
heavy whipped cream -1/2 cup

-Prepare the vanilla cake or any other flavored cake as per your convenience .(I had already posted the vanilla cake recipe)
-Preparing the vanilla custard.Beat the egg yolks and add it to the milk with corn flour.Bring this mixture to a boil.Keep stirring other wise it may stick to the bottom of the pan and then wait till the mixture thickens.Apply a thin plastic film and refrigerate to cool down.
-Prepare the strawberry and lime jelly by mixing each into 1cup of hot water and then add 1cup of cold water.Refrigerate separately to set for 4 hours.
-Prepare the coffee as per the ingredients and cool down.
-Final assembling,take a wide tray preferably glass tray or individual serving glasses and cut the cake into thin slices.Line the pieces closely so that there is no gap in between,at the bottom.Add the coffee mixture to soak the cake.(Donot drench,just moisten)
-Cut the jellies into small pieces and mix and add the green,red jellies into the tray just like the cake pieces.
-Pour the vanilla custard on top to cover the jelly and add the whipped cream on top.I added some sprinklers too at the top or M&M colored ones or JLT!!
-Refrigerate for an hour and serve chilled.

Servings 8*8 inch tray

*You may not require the complete quantity of the cake, jelly,vanilla custard for the final setting.Adjust your tray accordingly or make two layers .
*You can prepare the eggless version of cake and custard too.The custard tastes good that way as well.(just omit the egg & add all other ingredients)

Sending this to ABC Series-Desserts hosted by Ramya @ Ramya's Recipes

Sending this to Valentines Day Event event hosted by Teena @ Teenz Yummy Delights

I would like to Thank Chitra @ Chitranna for passing me the "Versatile Blogger Award".She has a lovely space and friends do visit her space to enjoy yummy recipes.

I would like to pass it to the following blogger friends-
1.Teena @ Teenz Yummy Delights
2.Faseela @ Good Food Ends with Good talk
3.Anjana @ Maayeka
4.Gauri @ Pasta and Paratha
5.Sangee @ Spicy Treats
6.Christy @ My Kitchen Flavors -Bon Appetit
7.Wan @ Cooking Varieties
8.Jay@ Tasty Appetite
9.Balwinder Ubi @ Gluten Free Food
10.Aparna Gomathi @ Square Meals

I would also like to Thank Jay @ Tasty Appetite,Sangee @ Spicy Treats  , Aparna @Square Meals & Faseela @ Good Food Ends with Good Talk.All of them are very talented bloggers with a vast collection of food recipes.And to me,all of them have supported my space with their continous encouraging comments.Thanx a lot,pals.If any one of you are still left out to visit their beautiful space ,do visit.

I would like to pass it to the following 10 blogger friends-
1.Vimitha @My Culinary Trial Room
2.Leksmi @ Lekshmi's Adukkala
3.Sobha @ Good Food
4.Jaleela @ Cook book Jaleela
5.Chandrani @ Cuisine Delights
6.Reena @ Achu's Amma's kitchen
7.Ramya @ Ramya's Recipes
8.Prathibha @ Cook Ezee
9.La @ Food Slice
10.Chitra @ Chitranna


Rita said... Best Blogger Tips

That is some special treat; good job.

Roshni said... Best Blogger Tips

congrats on all the awards. you deserve it.. love the pudding

Recipe world said... Best Blogger Tips

Hi Julie, congrats on your awards!!
Pudding looks yumm!! I must check for some egg substitutes now :)


Anzz said... Best Blogger Tips

Congrats on the wonderful awards. I have an award for you at my site. Do collect it dear.

Sangeetha M said... Best Blogger Tips

trifle pudding looks absolutely delicious, lemon jelly might make the pudding more flavorful...
Congrats Julies on your well deserved award, thanks a ton for sharing it with me...
Spicy Treats
OnGoing Event ~ Dish It Out-Brinjal n Garlic

chitraj.hegde said... Best Blogger Tips

Hey ..congrats on ur award..u really deserve it....may u have many more such awards in future..and.the pudding is looking amazing....I just wanted to ask,,,can we prepare this egg less?..if so..that will be gr8....and finally the most impotent part is thanks a ton for the above award..I am really honored to receive this award...I will b posting this very soon in my blog.....thanks again,,


Ramya said... Best Blogger Tips

thank you for the award, Julie. I dont see this entry linked up to my event page? Do you have any issues while doing it?

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

Congratulations on the awards. The pudding looks yummy.
Love Ash.

Ramya said... Best Blogger Tips

rainbow pudding infact, thanks for linking with my event

Square Meals said... Best Blogger Tips

Thanks a lot Julie

Balvinder said... Best Blogger Tips
This comment has been removed by the author.
Shoutforfood said... Best Blogger Tips

i would love to have one slice please.

Vimitha Durai said... Best Blogger Tips

Thanks for sharing the award dear... Pudding looks so inviting...

Deeksha said... Best Blogger Tips

Trifle Pudding looks awesome.Sounds delicious.
Congrats on your awards.

Teena said... Best Blogger Tips

Congrats for ur awards & thanks a lot for sharing the versatile blogger award Julie!! Trifle pudding looks so tempting & colourful too :)

Priya Suresh said... Best Blogger Tips

Yum yum,wish to have some rite now,utterly delicious this pudding is..

@lekshmi said... Best Blogger Tips

nice work... looks good....

Spicy-Aroma said... Best Blogger Tips

Trifle pudding looks awesome..perfectly done..n congrats for award :)

Roshu said... Best Blogger Tips

Congrats on ur award!!!!
Tht was such an interesting recipe

Moni said... Best Blogger Tips


Manju @ Manjus Eating Delights said... Best Blogger Tips

trifle looks great and its so colorful :)


Sobha Shyam said... Best Blogger Tips

Pudding looks excellent, liked each layer, Thanx a lot for passing me the award :)

MyKitchen Flavors-BonAppetit!. said... Best Blogger Tips

Congrats on ur well-deserving Awards Dear.Triffle Pudding Luks real Yumm with lip-smackingly delicious clicks.Thanks for sharing the Award with me. said... Best Blogger Tips

Pudding looks yumm dear!!Congrats on ur Awards too.....

@lekshmi said... Best Blogger Tips

thank u so much for the award.......

Indu said... Best Blogger Tips

How colorful! It has got such a lot of nice things in it -- cake, custard, cream.....woooo!!!!

Indu @

Kaveri Venkatesh said... Best Blogger Tips

Very yummy to have some right now.

Mélange said... Best Blogger Tips

Congrats on your awards Julie dear..
The pudding looks so tempting that I can's keep my eyes off..too yum!

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

Very yummy and interesting recipe. Congrats on ur award you deserve it. Thanks for sharing with me..

Suhaina said... Best Blogger Tips

congrads on ur awards.. pudding looks great.

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

lovely colors...perfect for these gray,dull and cold days..

cindyrina said... Best Blogger Tips

Wow! it look deliciously cheerful!

Priya Sreeram said... Best Blogger Tips

yum ! hey the round-up was great; thx for the participation badge; pleasure to have sent in my entries

What's Baking?? said... Best Blogger Tips

That is some trifle, Julie. I love trifle but never attempt at making one. Maybe I should, one day.:D

Faseela said... Best Blogger Tips

yummy trifle pudding.........
thax 4 passing the award dear...feel really honored

Treat and Trick said... Best Blogger Tips

Great flavor and tempting! Congrats on your awards dear...

Jayanthy Kumaran said... Best Blogger Tips

delicious & drooooooooooolworthy pudding..
congrats on your well deserved awards & so happy to receive the honour..;)
Tasty Appetite

Uma said... Best Blogger Tips

Looks so tempting and delicious. Congrats on the awards.
Uma@Trendy Relish

cookingvarieties said... Best Blogger Tips

hi julie ..yhis really look delicious and appetizing to my taste buds..the colors look very yummy too..
thanks again julie for the wonderful award..and for your kind thoughts on remembering me. congrats to you too for being awarded, you very well deserve this . have a nice day

anjana said... Best Blogger Tips

Congrats for your well deserving award..and thanks for sharing this award ..I am really honoured

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover said... Best Blogger Tips

This look nice.

Sensible Vegetarian said... Best Blogger Tips

Looks so yummy Julie. Congrats on your awards.

Deep Krishna Dubai said... Best Blogger Tips

Excellent Pudding!!!!!
Congrts for the Awards...!

Anzz said... Best Blogger Tips

Hi, I am hosting my first event and giveaway - Valentine Special. Do look it up and send me your great recipes towards the event. :)

PrathibhaSreejith said... Best Blogger Tips

Pudding looks yummy, I'm sure kids would have loved it..
Congrats on ur well deserved awards Julie and wishing u many more :) thanx a lot for passing it to me dear , will post it soon..

La @ FoodSlice said... Best Blogger Tips

Julie, Congratulations on the awards and thank you kindly for sharing the happy blogger award. The pudding looks so colourful.

Julie said... Best Blogger Tips

Thanx all,friends..

Teena said... Best Blogger Tips

Hi Julie, you can send this lovely recipe to my 'Valentine's Day Event' if you are willing to or you u can send any other new or old entries :)

Balvinder said... Best Blogger Tips

Thanks for the award, Julie. really my appreciate my friend.

Asmita said... Best Blogger Tips

Love trifle pudding and your's looks so colorful and yum!!!