We are a big fan of the famous Britannia Good day biscuits and I think many others are too :-)How about getting the same taste but a more fresher and healthier one baking at home,Sounds great right?Yes,dear friends..Thought correctly I just bookmarked these biscuits from my dear friend Sangee @ Spicy Treats.She is presently not keeping well,and undergoing physiotherapy for her knee pain.So she is not blogging for sometime (although she posted her event's roundup 2days back) and her space is full of very healthy n interesting foods.A very dedicated blogger,a good friend and a regular visitor of my space too.We all remember you Sangee and hope u 'll soon be back to blogging with good health,anyone left to hop into her space..just rush in for a virtual treat n interersting recipes & do remember her in your prayers as well :-)
Coming back to today's recipe,So here comes the Butter Cashew Biscuits.I have used wheat flour in these & modified the recipe here and there but otherwise almost the same.So,check this out and do try these lovely crunchy bites.My kids just loved them and so will be yours too,try these out !!
Ingredients![]() |
(Duplicate Vs. Original) |
Coming back to today's recipe,So here comes the Butter Cashew Biscuits.I have used wheat flour in these & modified the recipe here and there but otherwise almost the same.So,check this out and do try these lovely crunchy bites.My kids just loved them and so will be yours too,try these out !!
whole wheat flour 1 1/4 cup
rice flour 4 tbsp
icing sugar 1/2 cup / granulated sugar 3/4 cup (after powdering 1/2 cup)
cashews 1/3 cup crushed (you can either roast whole cashew or use roasted ones)
baking powder 1/2-3/4 tsp(I used slightly more than 1/2tsp)
egg white 1
butter 1/2 cup or 1 stick
salt 1/2tsp (I reduced salt to 1/5 tsp as I had roasted n salted cashews )
milk 2tbsp
- Preheat oven to 200 degrees F.Line a tray with aluminium foil and spread a tsp of olive oil and spread the cashews on it.Bake for 8-10 minutes or slightly roasted(light brown).Remove from oven and cool it down .
-Sift the flours in a bowl,add salt and baking powder.Sift again.Add the crushed cashews.
-Pour the softened butter(kept at room temperature )and using an electric beater ,whisk it till soft,add the icing sugar or powdered sugar until light and well blend.
-Add the vanilla essence,milk and egg white.Beat again to combine.
-Add the flours mix,mix together with your hands and make a smooth dough like for chapathis.
-Cover the dough using a cling wrap and refrigerate for 2 hours.
-Pre heat oven to 375 degrees F and line a tray with parchment paper ,keep ready.
-Divide the dough into 3 parts.Take one part ,place it on a large piece of parchment paper and press again with another parchment paper.Roll the dough using a rolling pin to 1/4" thickeness.
-Using a cookie cutter or the sharp cap of a bottle ,cut out round shapes.Press each rolled cookie with a fork to get stripe impression.
-Place it on the tray with lined parchment paper and bake for 12-18 mins or slightly brown at edges and bottom.(I could bake them at 16 mins,keep a watch after 12 mins)
-Cool on wire rack and serve the crunchy bites with tea or store in air tight containers.
Servings~ 35 cookies
*Icing sugar gives a more melt in mouth consistency.Both works good.
*You can try using all purpose flour as well.The original recipe has all purpose flour.If you are using all purpose flour then 1/4tsp of baking powder is required.
*You can use pistachio or almonds instead of cashews or combine any 2 nuts as well.
* You can powder the cashew or crush them coarse.The original recipe uses powdered cashew but I like these bits here & there so just pulsed it coarse.
Sending this to Only Snacks +Starters guest hosted by Raji @ Vegetarian Taste buds, Tea Time
Sending this to Cookie event hosted by Shema @ Life Scoops

Hey they luk exactly the same as Good Day .. I loved them and I love these... thumbs up !
Thank you so much Julie for those very kind n sweet words,really my eyes r filled with tears ;(
I am suffering a lot with my pain n really worried abt my health n missing my space n my blog buddies...your post with special notes on me is like boosting...
Biscuits have come out perfectly n looks exactly like "Good day Biacuits" it's our fav too...
Lovely pictures...
Biscuits look so delicious and perfectly made.
thnx for linking to my event !!!
@sangee vijay it's all from your space, Thanks Sangee for the lovely biscuits recipe.. Get Well soon!!
We just loved munching them :-)
Good day biscuits are my favorites too.. Love this recipe.. Going to try them soon.. :)
Hi Julie. I have to confess that I go nuts over nuts! Anything that has nuts, I'll go goo goo gaa gaa over it! Your cookies looks very tempting. Bookmarking the recipe. Wish your friend Sangee gets well soon!
Lovely biscuit, just like store bought Goodday, we too love them. But do they add egg i don't know abt that. Looks delicious and perfect.
Beautiful post and your biscuits are just as perfect as the Britannia ones. Well done! I like the fact that you used whole wheat flour. I have a similar recipe with me and I think I will replace the flour with whole wheat flour.
very nicely done. Came out perfect
So nice of you to post abt ur friend..hope sangee gets well soon..Biscuits sounds healthy and yum to munch..
looks so yummy...
Wow it really looks like the good day biscuit...
wow...perfect as good day biscuits....bookmarked
Lovely biscuits. Sorry abt Sangee I had read abt the problems she has but forgotten abt it. Will pray for her.
Hey Julie...wonderful biscuits. They look just so perfect, so pretty. Thanks for linking this to my event, would appreciate if you can add Pari's announcement link too in the post. Thanks and looking forward some more superb entries from you.
perfect like the good day ones...i would love homemade biscuits than any readymade ones
Britannia Good Day is favorite at my place. Urs look very perfect and delicious.
wow. it looks so similar to gooday biscuits. really awesome work. nice recipe
The cookies looks like good day biscuits out of a pack. I hope Sangee heals well and recovers fast. My wishes to her.
These look just like the original bisucits. Well done Julie and Sangee
Once again I love your photo perspective. .... I am drooling over it
Exact replica of good day biscuits... healthy one... Ya am missing sangee and her recipes too
wow , its so nice. Bookmarked it !!
super munching biscuit...tempting one..perfect tea time snacks..perfectly done
Yummy cookies. I wouldn't be able to tell the difference between the original and the duplicate :-)
Aparna from Square Meals
Those look too good,came out perfect..
wonderful post..they look so original n perfect..nice job Julie..kudos to Sangee for her wonderful recipe.
Please check out the Round Up of Just 4 Fun event..an award is waiting for you :)
even i luv gud day biscuits...perfectly baked tasty cookies..n pics r just fabulous......
wonderful ones julie..cant make out which one is urs & which is good day..
Ongoing Event : WTML
Looks good... really good...
Nice cookies..look like the original a lot! :)
Great recipe...Thanks for sharing it!
Wow wow wow... great job in reproducing the classic good day biscuits... would love to try this!! Bookmarking...
Serve It - Pressure Cooked/Slow Cooked
delicious biscuits..you have done it perfectly.Will try it during the weekend.
I've never had these before but absolutely love cashews. This biscuit has to be absolutely delicious!
Unable to decide which is original and which is the duplicate here :)
Nice one.. Thanks Linking 2 Beat The Heat :)
Ongoing event
"Let's Party"
"EP Series - Mint & Coriander"
Hey Julie, can't tell the difference between the cookies ( yours and Good Day), awesome..
Oh julie, This is fabulous
hi julie, some delicious munchies you made here- replica as well.. this is an innovative idea.
would be perfect for tea or snacks too. have a nice day
Whoa! They look so good! You are gonna put Britannia out of business gal ;)
Julie amazing biscuits, very perfect for tea time snack.
These biscuits from Sangee's space have become really famous..They look exactly like Good Day biscuits I am also waiting to try it out.
cookies look exactly same as good day biscuits..you have made them perfectly..very well done!!
SUper tempting biscuits, feel like munching some..
Wonderful no words u r big competitor to britannia .. they need to be safe!!
Amazing recipe and a great blog... Love to follow u
Looks perfect Julie, juz like the orginal....
wow... these look perfect... was searching for this recipe... thank you so much.. will try this soon...
Wow.Cannot believe.It exactly looks like my favourite good day biscuits...
It looks same as good days... so perfectly done.. :)
hi julie, came back,just to say thank you for your sweet comments on my post “sago dessert” at sobha’s last week.
Have a nice day dear
wow dats my fav....i love gud day..unless u said it everyone wud have tot its rt from the pk...send in ur recipes for the pepper event
I love cashews. I could eat a whole tin of cashews easy. These look great!
Awesome Cookies.. :) Great picture..
Ongoing Event : HITS ~ Soy Recipes
Amazing Julie. They look perfect and a lovely tea time snack.
Wow...simply great..the cookies are just looking like britaniya bisctuues....great job well done
Do visit my blog to enter in to Give Away...
Looks fantastic Julie; must taste so good.Perfect with my cup of green tea.
Heyy Julie, love this space of yours . These biscuits were my fav when I was India, I'd eat 3 or maybe 4 of those cylindrical packs in one stretch- must try your replica- yum ;-)
Looks incredible and super tempting..
Thanks for joining the cookie party at LifeScoops Julie. These cookies look delicious. I have uploaded all your recipes to Pinterest (http://pinterest.com/hishema/cookies/)
Thanks Again !!
I am surely going to try this recipe, the buiscuits looks so tempting :)
Nice blog, and simple recipes...
Following you...
Thanks a lot for the recipe.... If I omit eggs ..will that effect the cookies
@ Deeksha: it doesn't affect much as its only one egg white, add milk for dt amount .. It will come out good :)
Thanks Julie... I will try
How much milk to be added to replace a egg white..
@Sudha: the equivalent amount of an egg white will be about 2 tbsp milk and should be fine 😊
Thanks a lot for your recipe. Cookies came out existent.
Delicious cookies! Instant hit at my home! All of us loved it! They did not taste like Brittannia cookies and it doesn't matter. Thanks for the recipe.
Hiii.... My dough became hard after refrigerate.... I don't know what to do now???I don't know where I made mistake... 😓😔😔😔
@ joe : there is nothing wrong in the doing, the dough tends to harden while you refrigerate.. Just keep it out for 15-20 mins and then roll out the dough .. That shud work fine.Hope that helps.
Thank u sooooooo much biscuits are just yummyyy.... But shape didn't come 😔😓😓...some biscuits burnt also 😓😔😔😔
@Julie...mam biscuits taste yummieeee...but don't know biscuits base was burnt....😔😔😔
The possible reason of a burnt base is oven temperature.Just bring down the temperature to 350 degrees F or 180 degrees C whenever u bake next.Each oven has a little ups n down,am happy it tasted good.Also, remember to put the tray center of the oven so that heat is uniformly distributed.
Yes mam...I'll try another time... Biscuits just superbb my 4 yr kid loved it...thank you sooooo much for this full proof recipe...as am beginner in baking..that's some mistakes happen in my baking...but biscuits taste was just superbb...thank u sooooooo much
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